Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lets get started!

I'm really not all that good talking about myself but I thought this blog would be a great way to keep a "dairy" of my daily activities as a modern day working woman, designer, wife and friend...

Today started off as a good day...Journey came on the radio as I was getting ready this morning! I'm such a night owl that I barely get to work by 8:30 and considering that was on the radio about that time, I was running a tad more late than usual -- hello, I can't shut off the radio while Journey is on! Other than that I had a pretty average day updating websites and such. Erica and I practiced our workshop for AMS ( this afternoon. We've pretty much decided that we are going to giggle the whole way through it and throw "pay day" candy bars at everyone LOL

Lunch with mom and Mel is always fun -- however, Oh Gurl was just having "one of those days" (which I think I've been having one those days for months now...) where you just aren't quite yourself...tried cheering her up...not sure if I helped. I know she always makes me feel better :o)

Currently waiting on the hubby to get home from working late -- he feels as though he needs to work his tush off to pay for his new that's going to happen overnight! Anyway, he treats the truck as if it were a baby...washing, waxing and changing it's fluids regularly. LOL Hopefully he'll be home soon so we can watch the movie we rented, oh last night! I might get around to doing those dishes and laundry...prolly should be doing that now. Night!


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